Why using a variety of online marketing content is important for your small business.
Before we get into the deeper reason as to why you need a variety of content it’s important to remember that the only person who sees 100% of your content is you! So you are very unlikely to over do a message.
Producing a variety of content may sound like a lot of work, but don’t worry I will cover that later. For now, let me show you why it’s worth the effort.
Use a variety of content,
So you can lower your risk of going missing in action.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
If you rely on one form of contact point to stay connected with your audience what happens if it disappears tomorrow?
Take social media for example, we have all experienced outages of certain platforms in the last few years. Luckily they have been relatively short technical glitches but I know these have still caused many small business owners unnecessary stress.
Remember this, you don’t own our accounts on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. If these platforms choose to they could close your accounts with no warning if they wish. It’s unlikely to happen but also simple to be prepared for should it become a reality.
Having accounts in a few places and utilising marketing options that you do have control of lowers your risk of losing your online presence. We all own our email addresses and who we choose to share it with. As a business owner, any email list you build is yours, and if you use email software they must always give you the option to export your list to keep in in your control. The people on your list have given you permission and shown a desire to keep in touch with you. This means having an email list should be a priority because its purpose in this instance is to be your digital address book.
The other place that you have control of is your website. So be sure to share content on it. As well as sharing your website address directing people towards your website via those social media channels so that they are familiar with where to find you in your own space.
I know websites can be a big financial outlay, so if that’s not an option for you then even a simple landing page can provide that touchpoint. Many email marketing software providers include landing pages or sometimes simple websites on their free plans. I personally love Mailerlite as it is so simple to use for emails and landing pages. If you want to check out Mailerlite here is a link.
Just to be clear if you use this link I will get credits for my Mailerlite bill ( If I choose to upgrade, their free account is so generous I haven’t needed to yet!)
So you can reach a wider audience
Everyone is different, even within a target market where people share common traits or pain points there will still be differences between these people. Different types of content appeal to different people. Some people will be on Instagram for example while others prefer Pinterest for its more incognito approach. Producing content in many places caters to a variety of tastes and expands your customer base.
People can be similar and still like different things
So you can tick off those “touchpoints” more easily.
The amount of “ touchpoints” people need to take from meeting you to buying from you seems to be increasing. The more places your content pops up in front of people the quicker you can build that familiarity in people’s minds.
So you can stay at the forefront of people’s minds
We are busy people this can make us forgetful so seeing your message regularly is a good reminder for people. That coupled with the fact that we see so much information every day means it can be hard to retain the information without a reminder.
Creating a variety of content messages in many places solves this problem. You will pop up in front of people many times and keeps you in the forefront of people’s memories so that when they need what you do, your name comes to mind.
It is also important to produce a variety of content
So you can keep people interested
Don’t become too stuck in your messaging
If you just repeat the exact same message again and again everywhere people will get bored and switch off. You won’t stand out anymore. You need to keep a bit of variety involved and using a variety of content types helps you do this because different platforms have different layouts and features, so you can take an overall message and present it differently in different places. For example on Instagram you might make a reel. On Facebook it could be an infographic and a short snappy caption whereas when you send out an email it can be a little longer and more in depth. Each of these content types will make that main message come across differently so your audience won’t get bored.
Now I haven’t forgotten what I said at the start of this blog about creating a variety of content not having to be hard work. It is true and the secret to this is repurposing that’s tip #1. Tip #2 is start with your big pieces of content first so you can repurpose it into the small styles.
I start with my monthly blog and go from there. I take one blog post and use it in the following ways:
• As it’s self on my website
• Email- as a section in my newsletter
• As about 1 post a week in my social media posts
• Pins on pinterest.
This is not an exhaustive list and in the same way it doesn’t have to start with a blog post some people find there focal piece is a live or a podcast or their newsletter and that’s fine choose whichever works for you.
I do hope this blog has given you some new ideas about creating a variety of content as well as how to achieve it without exhausting yourself. If you would like a little help to map it out for your specific business why not book a 90 minute Business Buzz Session with me so that I can help you work out the steps you need to take meaning you come away with a clearer idea of how to do it. Contact me to book a spot in my diary.