6 Jobs your messaging does for your business.
We all give and receive messages all day long but how often do you consider the many jobs that your messages do within in your business? There are many forms of message and many places to put them but to get the best out of them you need to know which job you want each message to preform and create them with purpose.
#1- Introduce your company.
The first job your messaging must do is put your business in front of people for the first time. To do this the message need to clearly appeal to the readers situation and show them why they need you! Remember people are busy, especially in the online world attention spans are short so aim for your message to have a good hook line to draw them in then keep the rest clear concise. Once you are on someone’s radar it’s time for job two.
Luckily we are not reliant on a message in a bottle anymore.
#2- Building trust
I’m sure you have heard the phrase “people by from people.” Building a relationship with your readers is an important job for your content. People need to trust you and find you relatable to move closer to making purchase.
Aim to eave a good impression with your message.
#3 -Generating sales
Making a sale is a one purpose for your messaging. Whilst it is great to make sales directly, making too many of your messages about sales is not recommended. A ratio of 80% value 20% sales is often said to be the right balance to help you form a good brand image. Which is another role you must consider when creating messages. How does the content your creating fit into your branding?
#4 Presenting your brand
Branding is more than just the colours you choose or your logo. Your messaging conveys what your business values are and what your business provides to the reader. You need to make sure that all messages you put out sit within your values, otherwise you risk alienating your readers and destroying the trust you have built. That’s not to say you can’t change your view on something but it would be wise to warn your audience and introduce change slowly.
#5 Showing your expertise
Sharing content that shows your knowledge is one of the most powerful jobs your messaging can do for you in my opinion. As I have mentioned earlier 80% of your content should give your audience value. Sharing your knowledge in whatever form you can, will help your client and showcase your talent. You can do this in a variety of ways to keep things varied using:
· Tips
· Case studies
· Blog snippets
· Tutorials
Or even testimonials can be a good source of evidence to display your expertise. Showcasing your knowledge also feeds into the building connections job (the trust) that will also move your customers along the path to purchase. Making sales without actively selling by letting your skill speak for you.
#6 Maintains visibility
Your digital messaging and online presence are branches of your business marketing and visibility. Posting well-constructed content that you post consistently keeps your business visible. With the help of post scheduling your business can even show up online when you personally are busy elsewhere.
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