Five easy ways to keep your content relevant
First of all, let’s just consider why relevance is an important consideration in your online content for your business.
If you just post random thoughts and information as and when the moment presents then its unlikely that your online presence would have a cohesive feel. Keeping relevance in mind has many benefits to the efforts that go into your content.
You want your audience to get a clear message that helps them build the know/like/trust factor. If you go off on unusual tangents too often that doesn’t fit with your usual services and brand values, they may feel your content is no longer of interest to them and you lose their attention. Above all keeping, your content relevant shows your expertise at what you do.
Being consistent and keeping it relevant also makes the job of creating content easier which brings me nicely to the simple things you can implement that will keep your content relevant and on point!
Tip #1 Branding
The first consideration should always be your branding, it builds familiarity and makes you memorable to your viewers. If you stick to regular colours in your branding colour and styling to format your posts as well as recognisable values to show what your business stands for. All of this is key to the know, like, and trust. As well as your visual theme, the theme of your subject matter is my next tip.
I am always on the hunt for bumblebee accessories to add to keep my photos on brand!
Tip #2 Themes
Picking a theme for your content is a great way to build relevance. You can tailor it to what you have planned inside your time frame too so that you can talk about events your hosting or attending or items you are wanting to sell.
Personally, I pick a monthly theme as this works for me. I then answer my content planning prompts to fit the theme. A theme also gives you a chance to answer frequently asked questions and show how you solve or sell what a viewer is looking for. I also try to pick themes that blend into one another somehow so that it’s not an abrupt change for my followers. I think it’s personal choice whether you actively post what your theme is, it’s not always necessary as it’s primarily there to help you work your strategy more easily.
Tip #3 Trends
Knowing what your clients are facing but keeping an eye on current affairs means you can keep your content relatable to your followers not just your business. It demonstrates your understanding of their world and helps you relate to one another. Looking out for any “days of the year.” Such as national clean your computer day, coming up in February is an example of one I could use. These days are a good way to add fun and variety whilst maintaining relevance to your business.
Keep the image relevant, its great if you can give it a personal interpretation twist though.
So you may be wondering, what can you do within the practicalities of content creation to achieve this?
Tip #4 Images & visuals.
Putting a picture that fits with your wording as well as fits with your brain is important. People are time-poor, no one wants to be waste time being drawn in by an image that appeals to them ready to find out more only to find the message has nothing to do with said image.
Another thing to think of is how an image fits with your brands' value. Let's say your theme is showing how environmentally friendly your business is it wouldn’t be fitting to post a picture with single-use plastic bags and bottles but showing your reusable cup and hessian shopping bag is much more appropriate.
As I have mentioned in another blog, images have a huge impact on information retention and stopping the scroll, a relevant image means you will also be attracting people who will resonate with what your message is.
Tip #5 Hashtags
It's not just what you post that impacts its relevance but also where you post it. There is no point for example posting about your favourite meat pie in a vegetarian facebook group or adding #veggie when you to your Instagram post of said recipe. On platforms such as Instagram, hashtags are how posts are searched for so if you add irrelevant hashtags not only could you alienate those who see it but it's not going to gain you any positive results. In some cases, the platforms themselves will block you if you use irrelevant hashtags and send their users on a wild goose chase.
Creating effective content is a complicated task, after all, if you are showing up and posting you want your content to get you the desired results, (OK this may not be instant) Each post that reaches the right person is adding a piece to their puzzle picture of you. It shows that if you can make your content create that clear picture we mentioned at the beginning by implementing these tips on relevance then, I believe not only will your content creation become a smoother process but the efforts you put in will get you your desired results.
If you find keeping your content relevant and fresh a chore why not take a look at my list of brainstorming sessions on hashtags and images that run multiple times this year to make these elements easier for you!