Blogging is the Bees knees of content.
Even if you’re not a natural born writer or if you don’t have a huge following, I still believe blogging is one of the best tools in your marketing and content resources.
Here are 10 reasons behind my opinion:
No qualifications necessary
As I have already mentioned you don’t have to be an award-winning writer to write a blog. As long as you can find an appropriate place to host and manage your blog then anyone can have a go.
You can blog for free
There are many platforms available where you can set up a blog for free. Which is great news if you are in the early stages of business and need to keep costs down. In the long run I advise that when you have a website your blog should be hosted there because….
Blogs help keep your website healthy
Posting regular blog content (yes as always consistency is key) on your website pleases the SEO fairies. Proving that your website is active, so they don’t file it in the lost property corner of the internet. Hosting your own blog also means that when you share your blog far and wide, which you should. Are directing traffic a.k.a visitors to your site, which again pleases the SEO fairies. So now you have a blog reader use this opportunity wisely.
Keep those SEO fairies happy!
Links in blog posts create good karma.
Clickable links are one of a blog’s most important features! There are two types of links you can include, Internal links that take the reader to another useful page within your website. These are another nod to the SEO fairies. Or external links which link to someone else’s website or adds value to the topic of your piece of writing. This is where the good karma comes in, by including an external link you are giving a positive PR shout-out to the other business or person for free. If it’s a small company where you can contact them to say you're going to mention them then do. That way they know and can potentially share the love to their audience, increasing your potential reach to new eyes. See it’s good karma all around.
If it’s a big company you’re mentioning for example I have linked to Canva and Trello in previous blogs then getting onto their radar is less likely but still worth doing to show your industry knowledge.
Bonus tip: When putting links into your blog be sure to click “opens in new tab” on your settings so that you don’t accidentally take people away from your website.
Think of your blog like a Russian doll.
You have written your blog, it’s one if not the biggest piece of content you write but just like that biggest doll your blog has lots of different sized pieces to share inside it.
Utilise those little gems let them shine. Take snippets from your blogs and repurpose them to create content for your other marketing platforms such as social media captions, Pins for Pinterest, your newsletter and email copy. This is why I pick a theme a monthly theme, write a blog to support that theme and build the rest of my plan from there.
If you are more of a natural with video or audio content such as lives, you tube or podcasts then you can use transcripts to turn them into blogs so you can still have content options too.
Your blog gives you great content pieces in small chunks just like the doll set.
Blogs are the bridge between slow and fast online platforms
Although blogs are one of the biggest content pieces, due to the regular nature of blogging and the way blogs are designed to be easy to consume I believe blogs make a great bridge between fast-paced platforms like Facebook or Instagram and then your evergreen resources, your website, Pinterest and mailing list. Using your blog helps create consistency and clear messaging when people find your content and then research you a deeper is when they begin to build the know, like, and trust factor.
Show you know your stuff
However, you have attracted a reader to your blog well done. Now is the time to show your expertise and wow them so they leave thinking “I need just that in my life.” Whatever your that may be.
Collaboration beats competition
Just like links, asking for guest blogs or offering to fulfill one for someone else is a great way to collaborate with a complimentary business’. Help them share different perspectives with each other’s audiences and expand reach for you both.
Don’t be afraid to upcycle.
Not straight away obviously but remember people see on average 7 hours worth of content per day. (according to Forbes 2020). With that level of “noise” in front of them every day people are going to benefit from a reminder of your message. So don’t be afraid to take previous blogs, tweak them to bring them up to date, and republish them. Chances are you will hit a different portion of your audience each time anyway.
Don’t forget your blog is part of a map!
Sharing content is only part of a customers journey, so make sure your blog does its job along the way by including a call to action in there to take the reader to another point on their journey. It doesn’t have to be a sales call not all journeys are a straight line. If you want to share more value then take them on a scenic route as long as its of value.
Bonus tip: Always place the most important call to action at the end of your post as the lasting memory.
Make it clear and simple for people, if the signs are not clear people get lost!
If you’re ready to start or boost your blogging skills then my Blog Planner is just the tool to help you get started, grab yourself a copy here.