Are you business lingual?

Starting your own business can often feel like stepping into another world, can’t it? Whatever your business skill is there will always be areas of “running” the business that will be less familiar. That and the fact that things change so fast it you don’t keep your finger on the pulse it can be hard to keep up with modern trends especially on all the social media platforms.

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

One of the biggest challenges I have found in my journey is all the new Jargon. I was never very good at languages at school, so the idea of learning a new one now is quire a culture shock. There are so many new terms and acronyms I come across each week. I must admit that I always seem to come across a new one when I am at a networking event or meeting someone new. Rather than look like a newbie, nobody likes to look clues, do they? I smile nod, jot it down and google it later!

Luckily these phrases have never left me clueless in a conversation, I don’t believe in misleading people so if the phrase was crucial, I would definitely need to lose some cool points and ask for an explanation.

I guess what I am hoping to point out here is that everyday is a learning curve and we are all on it.

I thought I would share some of the terms there were new to me along the way in the hope I can help someone else. If you have any others you would like clarified do share them in the comments and lets, see if we can’t become more fluent in this language together

Here is my glossary of terms so far:

  • SEO- Search engine optimization

  • CRM- Client relationship management

  • Copy- Core text content on a website for example

  • Critical path Chart- a Gantt chart to track timelines of projects and staff.

  • GDPR- Ok so it’s a famous one and the acronym is not alright General Data Protection Regulations but what it entails and how to stay inside the rules still confuses many.

  • Click/Sales funnel- A method of attracting traffic to your website by getting them in for one thing but up selling them something else once they arrive.

  • Lead magnet- Is an incentive provided to clients in exchange for their email address. i.e. a useful blog or list of resources that they get sent to them once they submit an email address.


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