Six questions to help you decide what to create content about.

Deciding what to create content about when you’re a busy mum juggling looking after kids, animals, a house and a business can feel like one challenge to many when your time and energy poor.

With so much swirling around in your mind, including content ideas its easy to overthink the task, doubt yourself and end up completely stuck.

In this blog, I will help you overcome this. We will look at six questions to ask yourself any time you’re not sure what to post about.

Q1. Do you have a clear idea of who your content is for?

Hopefully this is a quick yes to start us off. I’m sure you’ve heard business and marketing coaches explaining the importance of knowing who your ideal client is and to write content specifically for them.

If not here is a blog post to explain that before you move on.

Q2. What phase is your current audience in?

By this I mean how far are they into their customer journey with you? When answering this one think of the majority of your audience.

I know you might add new followers along the way but they will catch up when you reach the phase for them again.

You need to create content relevant to the phase they are in. There is no point selling to new followers who haven’t had time to get to know, like, and trust you yet.

Action: If you’ve been inconsistent with your socials lately start with some about you, and your business journey content. This acts as a start for new followers and an update for those in the nurture phase.

Q3. What are you trying to achieve?

This question is two fold because you need to think about your bigger goals such as audience growth, demonstrating expertise, list building, launching or selling. As well as the purpose of the individual post which could include: starting conversations, sharing value, driving traffic somewhere or building relationships.

Q4. What are your customers current problems?

Knowing what your audience are dealing with at the time means you can craft content to demonstrate the solutions you provide. For example, as I write this we are in the middle of a challenging winter. I know a lot of my audience are even more time poor than usual because their outdoor jobs are taking extra time. So I need to show them how to make content creation quicker and easier to take up less time.

Action: Jot down a list of 5 problems your audience faces now.

Q5. Are there any current trends you can use?

This could be a trend in the types of content that are proving popular. Such as reels and carosuels on Instagram. Or it could be industry trends that are topical. Remember though this doesn’t have to be always be work related. Doing something fun is a good way to catch people’s attention in an authentic and relatable way.

Q6. What feels achievable?

If you’re struggling to get content done try not to put pressure on yourself. Pressure kills creativity. Start with what feels achievable in terms of both the amount of content you aim to create and the type of media you use.

It’s better to do things you can be consistent with.

A simple photo and caption shared once a week, which becomes a habit is better than a fancy reel once in a blue moon.

Once the easy options become a habit you will find it easier to dabble with other ideas.

Don’t forget to jot these questions down and keep them somewhere handy to help you next time you are stuck. If you have found this blog helpful and would like to see more content creation tips, I’d love to see you over on my Instagram.


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